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Many of the resources, videos and documents on this page have been created for teachers by teachers. You will find ideas about how to:

  • Get started with the game
  • Help students with research and track their investments
  • Utilize outside resources as part of student research
  • Provide students with enrichment opportunities

Getting Started

Two introductory lessons:

  • What is $100,000 and consensus?
  • Lesson about the stock market that includes videos.

Discover different approaches to implementing the SMG. Coming soon, a flier that you can use for your afterschool or home room club.

Suggested guidelines from teachers on team management and portfolios.

Active Investing

Learn about how to lead students in brainstorming ideas for what stocks to purchase.

Resources created by teachers include a graphic organizer for students to use to keep track of their investments and  purchase/sell tickets.

Find tips for teaching students about researching stocks including learning about the company profile as well as technical and fundamental analysis.

External Forces

Resources are provided learning about different economic indicators. 

Explore how news events affect the stock market.

Enrichment/After the Game

InvestWrite®, an innovative national writing competition, is a program of the SIFMA Foundation offered exclusively to teachers and students participating in The Stock Market Game™.

Incorporate literature into the SMG lessons using The Short Seller by Elissa Brent Weissman.

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Towson, MD  21252-0001

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