OverviewThe Maryland Economics Challenge is an academic competition that provides high school students the opportunity to learn and then demonstrate knowledge and application of economics during a one day academic competition. It is the only program of its kind that tests micro and macroeconomic principals as well as knowledge of the world economy. Student teams from high schools across the state compete with the excitement of an athletic competition to be recognized as the Maryland State Champion. The winning team is invited to represent Maryland at the National Economics Challenge Competition. |
Economics Challenge Registration 2025 Econ Challenge Dates Maryland
Nationals -
| Prizes and RecognitionState WinnersAll team members and their teacher/advisor receive a cash prize. First Place - $250, Second Place - $125 National WinnersAll student team members receive a cash prize and an all expense paid trip to Finals in Atlanta, GA. First Place - $2,000, Second Place - $1,000, Third Place $500, Fourth Place $250 |
The competition provides an opportunity for students to compete in two divisions: |
DAVID RICARDO DIVISION Targeted for first time challenge competitors who have taken no more than one economics course. | ADAM SMITH DIVISION Targeted for AP, International baccalaureate, and honors students (as well as any returning competitors) Dual enrollment students may participate as long as the course is taught by a secondary teacher. |
Teacher/Advisor Toolkit |
Learn more about the Maryland Econ Challenge including Registration, Key Dates, and Rules. |
Discover the details about the National Economics Challenge including How it Works, Awards, Preparation Materials, Practice Tests, Rules and Eligibility and more.
The rules include details about team divisions, team composition (which have been changed), student eligibility, and more. |
Study materials provided by the Council on Economic Education. |
On demand webinar series on topics related to Microeconomics and Macroeconomics provided by the Council on Economic Education. |
Watch the winning presentation from the 2020 Econ Challenge. |
Get your students excited to participate in the Econ Challenge by sharing this short video. |
See if you’ve got what it takes to compete in the National Economics Challenge℠ by completing the following sample tests. |
Search the library for tests and questions. |
Critical Thinking Round Examples:
Practice AP Questions
Question Breakdown |
To learn more about participating in the 2025 Maryland Economics Challenge contact Mary Metzler, Director of Student Programs, mmetzler@towson.edu.
To register your teams, click here or contact Dawn Baker, dbaker@towson.edu
Congratulation to the 2024 Maryland Economics Challenge winners!Adam Smith Division
David Ricardo Davison
2022 Maryland Economics Challenge State Winners ADAM SMITH DIVISION - National Second Runner-up Mt. Hebron High, Howard County Advisor: Vann Prime TEAM MEMBERS: David Lieman, Sahith Mada, Summit Sarkar, Dhishan Reddy DAVID RICARDO DIVISION - National Third Runner-up Mt. Hebron High, Howard County Advisor: Vann Prime TEAM MEMBERS: Alex Nath, Nandhu Pillai, Diego Salamanca |
Sponsors |